DEFINITION MODULE ST; (*DEE 2017-10-21/2022-09-13*) FROM STchars IMPORT character; FROM STstrings IMPORT string; (* For PIM compatibility with ISO/IEC 10514-1:1996 compilers *) PROCEDURE divide(x, y: INTEGER): INTEGER; (* getc: get one character from standard input *) PROCEDURE getc(VAR c: character): character; (* putc: put one character on standard output *) PROCEDURE putc (c: character); (*getarg: get n-th command line argument into s. which returns the 0th to paramcount-1th argument in s.* PROCEDURE getarg(n: INTEGER; VAR s: string; maxsize: INTEGER): BOOLEAN; PROCEDURE nargs(): INTEGER; PROCEDURE message(CONST s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE error(CONST s: ARRAY OF CHAR); PROCEDURE xor(a, b: character): character; END ST.